:mod:`ocelot.adaptors.longlist2ocelot` ====================================== .. py:module:: ocelot.adaptors.longlist2ocelot .. autoapi-nested-parse:: athors: Ye. Fomin (NRC KI); S. Tomin (XFEL, NRC KI), 2016. Module Contents --------------- Classes ~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ocelot.adaptors.longlist2ocelot.StructureConverter .. py:class:: StructureConverter .. method:: longlist_matrix_init(self) .. method:: longlist_transform(self, row) .. method:: sbend_l_correction(self, element) correction SBEN length .. method:: Longlist2Ocelot(self, filename, sheet_name='LONGLIST', pos_start=3, pos_stop=None, sbend_l_corr=False) pos_start - start line number into Excel file (1 is the first line, 3 is the first line with data) pos_stop - stop line number into Excel file .. data:: SC