:mod:`ocelot.adaptors.wake_t` ============================= .. py:module:: ocelot.adaptors.wake_t .. autoapi-nested-parse:: This module contains methods for coupling the plasma simulation code Wake-T with Ocelot. Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: ocelot.adaptors.wake_t.wake_t_beam_to_parray ocelot.adaptors.wake_t.parray_to_wake_t_beam .. data:: wake_t_installed :annotation: = True .. function:: wake_t_beam_to_parray(wake_t_beam, gamma_ref=None, z_ref=None) Converts a Wake-T particle beam to an Ocelot ParticleArray. Parameters: ----------- wake_t_beam : ParticleBunch (Wake-T class) The original particle distribution from Wake-T. gamma_ref : float (Optional) Reference energy of the particle beam used for tracking in Ocelot. If not specified, the reference energy will be taken as the average energy of the input distribution. z_ref : float (Optional) Reference longitudinal position of the particle beam used for tracking in Ocelot. If not specified, the reference value will be taken as the average longitudinal position of the input distribution. Returns: -------- An Ocelot ParticleArray. .. function:: parray_to_wake_t_beam(p_array) Converts an Ocelot ParticleArray to a Wake-T ParticleBunch. Parameters: ----------- p_array : ParticleArray The Ocelot distribution to be converted. Returns: -------- A Wake-T ParticleBunch.