
interface to genesis

Module Contents



Genesis input files storage object


Genesis output *.out files storage object


Genesis statistical output storage object


Genesis particle *.dpa files storage object


Genesis electron beam distribution *.dat files storage object


Genesis analytical radiation input files storage object?




run_genesis(inp, launcher, read_level=2, assembly_ver='pyt', dfl_slipage_incl=True, min_phsh=False, debug=1)

Main function for executing Genesis code

assemble(fileName, remove=1, overwrite=0, ram=1, debug=1)

assembles the fileName.slice* files into fileName

create_exp_dir(exp_dir, run_ids)

creates the folder structure nested in exp_dir folder.

generate_input(undulator, beam, E_photon=None, itdp=True, *args, **kwargs)

Create Genesis inp object with default input parameters

get_genesis_launcher(launcher_program=None, launcher_argument='')

Returns MpiLauncher() object for given program

get_genesis_new_launcher(launcher_program=None, mpi_mode=True)

tmp for moga, to be solved in the future

read_out_file(filePath, read_level=2, precision=float, debug=1)

reads Genesis output from *.out file.

read_out_file_stat(proj_dir, stage, run_inp=[], param_inp=[], debug=1)

reads statistical info of Genesis simulations,

read_out_file_stat_u(file_tamplate, run_inp=[], param_inp=[], debug=1)

reads statistical info of Genesis simulations,

read_dfl_file_out(out, filePath=None, debug=1)

More compact function than read_dfl_file() to read the file generated with known .out file

read_dfl_file(filePath, Nxy, Lxy=None, zsep=None, xlamds=None, hist_rec=1, vartype=complex, debug=1)

Function to read the Genesis output radiation file “dfl”.

write_dfl_file(dfl, filePath=None, debug=1)

Function to write the RadiationField object into filePath file

read_dpa_file_out(out, filePath=None, debug=1)

simplifies running the read_dpa_file() function

read_dpa_file(filePath, nbins=4, npart=None, debug=1)

reads genesis particle dump file *.dpa

write_dpa_file(dpa, filePath=None, debug=1)

max_dpa_dens(out, dpa, slice_pos=None, slice_num=None, repeat=1, bins=(50, 50), debug=1)

dpa2edist(out, dpa, num_part=100000.0, smear=1, debug=1)

Convert dpa to edist objects

read_edist_file_out(out, debug=1)

read_edist_file(filePath, **kwargs)

reads particle distribution file (distfile in genesis input)

cut_edist_std(edist, all_std=None, x_std=4, y_std=4, xp_std=4, yp_std=4)

cut_edist(edist, t_lim=(-np.inf, np.inf), g_lim=(-np.inf, np.inf), x_lim=(-np.inf, np.inf), xp_lim=(-np.inf, np.inf), y_lim=(-np.inf, np.inf), yp_lim=(-np.inf, np.inf), s_lim=None, debug=1)

cuts GenesisElectronDist() in phase space

set_edist_energy(edist, E_GeV, debug=1)

adds energy to the electron beam so that new average energy is E_GeV in [GeV]

disperse_edist(edist, R56, debug=1)

Introduces dispersion (good for simulating weak chicanes)

repeat_edist(edist, repeats, smear=0.001, not_smear=[])

dublicates the GenesisElectronDist() by given factor

write_edist_file(edist, filePath=None, debug=1)

writes GenesisElectronDist() into filePath folder

edist2beam(edist, step=2e-07)

reads GenesisElectronDist()

read_beam_file(filePath, *args, **kwargs)

reads beam file from filePath folder


reads BeamArray()


reads BeamArray()

set_beam_energy(beam, E_GeV_new)

reads BeamArray()

transform_beam_twiss(beam, transform=None, s=None)

cut_beam(beam=None, cut_s=[-np.inf, np.inf])

cuts BeamArray() object longitudinally

get_beam_s(beam, s=0)

obtains values of the beam at s position


obtains values of the beam at s position

find_transform(g1, g2)

find transform from twiss matrix g1 to g2: x -> M x, g -> Mi.T g M

write_beam_file(filePath, beam, debug=0)

create_rad_file(p_duration_s=None, p_intensity=None, beam=None, offset=None, out_file='tmp.rad')


reads analyticall radiation seed file from Genesis?

adapt_rad_file(beam=None, rad_file=None, out_file='tmp.rad')


generate_lattice(lattice, unit=1.0, energy=None, debug=1, min_phsh=False)


get_spectrum(power, phase, smax=1.0)

pulse spectrum in eV



transform_beam_file(beam_file=None, out_file='tmp.beam', s=None, transform=[[25.0, 0.1], [21.0, -0.1]], energy_scale=1, energy_new=None, emit_scale=1, n_interp=None)

test_beam_transform(beta1=10.0, alpha1=-0.1, beta2=20, alpha2=2.2)


reading astra distribution parameters Parameter x y z px py pz clock macro_charge particle_index status_flag

astra2edist(adist, center=1)

converts astra particle distribution into GenesisElectronDist() object

astra2edist_ext(fileName_in, fileName_out='', center=1)

rematch_edist(edist, tws, s=None)

cut_lattice(lat, n_cells, elem_in_cell=4)

reads MagneticLattice()

getAverageUndulatorParameter(lattice, unit=1.0, energy=17.5)

:annotation: = $newrun
aw0 = __AW0__
xkx = __XKX__
xky = __XKY__
wcoefz = __WCOEFZ__
xlamd = __XLAMD__
fbess0 = __FBESS0__
delaw = __DELAW__
iertyp = __IERTYP__
iwityp = __IWITYP__
awd = __AWD__
awx = __AWX__
awy = __AWY__
iseed = __ISEED__
npart = __NPART__
gamma0 = __GAMMA0__
delgam = __DELGAM__
rxbeam = __RXBEAM__
rybeam = __RYBEAM__
alphax = __ALPHAX__
alphay = __ALPHAY__
emitx = __EMITX__
emity = __EMITY__
xbeam = __XBEAM__
ybeam = __YBEAM__
pxbeam = __PXBEAM__
pybeam = __PYBEAM__
conditx = __CONDITX__
condity = __CONDITY__
bunch = __BUNCH__
bunchphase = __BUNCHPHASE__
emod = __EMOD__
emodphase = __EMODPHASE__
xlamds = __XLAMDS__
prad0 = __PRAD0__
zrayl = __ZRAYL__
zwaist = __ZWAIST__
ncar = __NCAR__
lbc = __LBC__
rmax0 = __RMAX0__
dgrid = __DGRID__
nscr = __NSCR__
nscz = __NSCZ__
nptr = __NPTR__
nwig = __NWIG__
zsep = __ZSEP__
delz = __DELZ__
nsec = __NSEC__
iorb = __IORB__
zstop = __ZSTOP__
magin = __MAGIN__
magout = __MAGOUT__
quadf = __QUADF__
quadd = __QUADD__
fl = __FL__
dl = __DL__
drl = __DRL__
f1st = __F1ST__
qfdx = __QFDX__
qfdy = __QFDY__
solen = __SOLEN__
sl = __SL__
ildgam = __ILDGAM__
ildpsi = __ILDPSI__
ildx = __ILDX__
ildy = __ILDY__
ildpx = __ILDPX__
ildpy = __ILDPY__
itgaus = __ITGAUS__
nbins = __NBINS__
igamgaus = __IGAMGAUS__
lout = __LOUT__
iphsty = __IPHSTY__
ishsty = __ISHSTY__
ippart = __IPPART__
ispart = __ISPART__
ipradi = __IPRADI__
isradi = __ISRADI__
idump = __IDUMP__
iotail = __IOTAIL__
nharm = __NHARM__
iharmsc = __IHARMSC__
iallharm = __IALLHARM__
curpeak = __CURPEAK__
curlen = __CURLEN__
ntail = __NTAIL__
nslice = __NSLICE__
shotnoise = __SHOTNOISE__
isntyp = __ISNTYP__
iall = __IALL__
ipseed = __IPSEED__
iscan = __ISCAN__
nscan = __NSCAN__
svar = __SVAR__
isravg = __ISRAVG__
isrsig = __ISRSIG__
cuttail = __CUTTAIL__
eloss = __ELOSS__
version = __VERSION__
ndcut = __NDCUT__
idmpfld = __IDMPFLD__
idmppar = __IDMPPAR__
ilog = __ILOG__
ffspec = __FFSPEC__
convharm = __CONVHARM__
ibfield = __IBFIELD__
imagl = __IMAGL__
idril = __IDRIL__
alignradf = __ALIGNRADF__
offsetradf = __OFFSETRADF__
multconv = __MULTCONV__
trama = __TRAMA__
itram11 = __ITRAM11__
itram12 = __ITRAM12__
itram13 = __ITRAM13__
itram14 = __ITRAM14__
itram15 = __ITRAM15__
itram16 = __ITRAM16__
itram21 = __ITRAM21__
itram22 = __ITRAM22__
itram23 = __ITRAM23__
itram24 = __ITRAM24__
itram25 = __ITRAM25__
itram26 = __ITRAM26__
itram31 = __ITRAM31__
itram32 = __ITRAM32__
itram33 = __ITRAM33__
itram34 = __ITRAM34__
itram35 = __ITRAM35__
itram36 = __ITRAM36__
itram41 = __ITRAM41__
itram42 = __ITRAM42__
itram43 = __ITRAM43__
itram44 = __ITRAM44__
itram45 = __ITRAM45__
itram46 = __ITRAM46__
itram51 = __ITRAM51__
itram52 = __ITRAM52__
itram53 = __ITRAM53__
itram54 = __ITRAM54__
itram55 = __ITRAM55__
itram56 = __ITRAM56__
itram61 = __ITRAM61__
itram62 = __ITRAM62__
itram63 = __ITRAM63__
itram64 = __ITRAM64__
itram65 = __ITRAM65__
itram66 = __ITRAM66__


filetype =’ORIGINAL’ $end

class ocelot.adaptors.genesis.GenesisInput

Genesis input files storage object

__getattr__(self, name)
copy(self, inp, params)

copies list of parameters from another GenesisInput() or GenesisOutput() object

copymesh(self, inp, expt=())
class ocelot.adaptors.genesis.GenesisOutput

Genesis output *.out files storage object

__call__(self, name)
calc_spec(self, mode='mid', npad=0)

calculates the on-axis spectrum at every position along the undulator and writes it into “spec” attirube

if mode = “mid” then on-axis power with on-axis phases is used for calculation if mode = “int” then transversely integrated power with on-axis phases is used (strictly speaking inaccurate, but informative) npad (integer) if > 0 pads the power with zeros in order to increase resolution of spectrum.

phase_fix(self, wav=None, s=None, **kwargs)

the way to display the phase, without constant slope caused by different radiation wavelength from xlamds. phase is set to 0 at maximum power slice

calc_radsize(self, weigh_transv=1)

weigh_transv = True to average the transverse radiation size over slices with radiation power as a weight

wig(self, z=np.inf, *args, **kwargs)
re_read(self, read_level=2)
class ocelot.adaptors.genesis.GenStatOutput

Genesis statistical output storage object

zi(self, z)
si(self, s)
fi(self, f)
class ocelot.adaptors.genesis.GenesisParticlesDump

Genesis particle *.dpa files storage object Each particle record in z starts with the energy of all particles followed by the output of the particle phases, positions in x and y and the momenta in x and y. The momenta are normalized to mc

class ocelot.adaptors.genesis.GenesisElectronDist

Genesis electron beam distribution *.dat files storage object GENESIS follows the rule that the longitudinal position is reversed if a time is specified by the T column. In this case smaller numbers correspond to particle in the tail of the distribution.

center(self, s='com')
property s(self)
class ocelot.adaptors.genesis.GenesisRad

Genesis analytical radiation input files storage object?

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.run_genesis(inp, launcher, read_level=2, assembly_ver='pyt', dfl_slipage_incl=True, min_phsh=False, debug=1)

Main function for executing Genesis code inp - GenesisInput() object with genesis input parameters launcher - MpiLauncher() object obtained via get_genesis_launcher() function read_level - Parameter to read and calculate values from the output:

-1 - do not read

0 - read input only (header) 1 - read input and current profile 2 - read all values

dfl_slipage_incl - whether to dedicate time in order to keep the dfl slices, slipped out of the simulation window. if zero, reduces assembly time by ~30% assembly_ver - version of the assembly script: ‘sys’ - system based, ‘pyt’ - python based, None - assembly with Genesis assumed

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.assemble(fileName, remove=1, overwrite=0, ram=1, debug=1)

assembles the fileName.slice* files into fileName remove - delete .slice files overwrite - writes .slice files on top of fileName.slice* starting from the beginning. Applicable for genesis dfl file assembly ram - store the .slice files in ram simultaneously

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.create_exp_dir(exp_dir, run_ids)

creates the folder structure nested in exp_dir folder. run_ids is a list of run numbers. resulting folder structure would be .. —exp_dir ——run_1 ——run_2 ——run_3 ——…

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.generate_input(undulator, beam, E_photon=None, itdp=True, *args, **kwargs)

Create Genesis inp object with default input parameters

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.get_genesis_launcher(launcher_program=None, launcher_argument='')

Returns MpiLauncher() object for given program

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.get_genesis_new_launcher(launcher_program=None, mpi_mode=True)

tmp for moga, to be solved in the future

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_out_file(filePath, read_level=2, precision=float, debug=1)

reads Genesis output from *.out file. returns GenesisOutput() object thanks gods Genesis3 out will be in hdf5!

read_level - 0 = only header is processed. Very fast

1 = slice values are not processed. Current information is obtained, ~2x faster 2 = all contents are read 3 = additional attributed are calculated, like spectrum, transversely averaged radiation size, etc.

precision - precision of stored values precision debug - 0 = no messages printed in console

1 = basic info and execution time is printed 2 = most detailed info is printed (real debug)

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_out_file_stat(proj_dir, stage, run_inp=[], param_inp=[], debug=1)

reads statistical info of Genesis simulations, returns GenStatOutput() object

proj_dir - project directory of the following structure: proj_dir/run_<run_number>/run.<run_number>.s<stage_number>.gout* run_inp - list of genesis runs to be looked for [0:1000] by default param_inp - list of genesis output parameters to be processed debug - see read_out_file()

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_out_file_stat_u(file_tamplate, run_inp=[], param_inp=[], debug=1)

reads statistical info of Genesis simulations, universal function for non-standard exp. folder structure returns GenStatOutput() object

file_tamplate = template of the .out file path with # denoting run number run_inp - list of genesis runs to be looked for [0:1000] by default param_inp - list of genesis output parameters to be processed debug - see read_out_file()

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_dfl_file_out(out, filePath=None, debug=1)

More compact function than read_dfl_file() to read the file generated with known .out file Returns RadiationField object No need to pass all parameters (Nxy, Lxy, Lz, zsep, xlamds), they are read from GenesisOutput object out - The relevant GenesisOutput object or path to it filePath- Path to *.dfl file.

if = None, then it is assumed to be *.out.dfl

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_dfl_file(filePath, Nxy, Lxy=None, zsep=None, xlamds=None, hist_rec=1, vartype=complex, debug=1)

Function to read the Genesis output radiation file “dfl”. Returns RadiationField() object filePath - path to .dfl file Nxy - transverse mesh size, e.g. for 151*151 mesh, Nxy=151 Lxy - transverse mesh size (2*dgrid) zsep - separation between slices in terms of wavelengths xlamds - wavelength of the radiation hist_rec - number of dfl records within a single file (.fld case), not finished!

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.write_dfl_file(dfl, filePath=None, debug=1)

Function to write the RadiationField object into filePath file dfl RadiationField object filePath - path top write the file

if None then filePath = dfl.filePath

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_dpa_file_out(out, filePath=None, debug=1)

simplifies running the read_dpa_file() function reads GenesisOutput() object returns GenesisParticlesDump() object no need to set nbins and npart parameters as well as file_path (may be overrun) all automatically picked up from GenesisOutput() object

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_dpa_file(filePath, nbins=4, npart=None, debug=1)

reads genesis particle dump file *.dpa returns GenesisParticlesDump() object

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.write_dpa_file(dpa, filePath=None, debug=1)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.max_dpa_dens(out, dpa, slice_pos=None, slice_num=None, repeat=1, bins=50, 50, debug=1)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.dpa2edist(out, dpa, num_part=100000.0, smear=1, debug=1)

Convert dpa to edist objects reads GenesisParticlesDump() object returns GenesisElectronDist() object num_part - desired approximate number of particles in edist smear - whether to shuffle macroparticles smearing microbunching

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_edist_file_out(out, debug=1)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_edist_file(filePath, **kwargs)

reads particle distribution file (distfile in genesis input) returns GenesisElectronDist()

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.cut_edist_std(edist, all_std=None, x_std=4, y_std=4, xp_std=4, yp_std=4)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.cut_edist(edist, t_lim=- np.inf, np.inf, g_lim=- np.inf, np.inf, x_lim=- np.inf, np.inf, xp_lim=- np.inf, np.inf, y_lim=- np.inf, np.inf, yp_lim=- np.inf, np.inf, s_lim=None, debug=1)

cuts GenesisElectronDist() in phase space

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.set_edist_energy(edist, E_GeV, debug=1)

adds energy to the electron beam so that new average energy is E_GeV in [GeV]

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.disperse_edist(edist, R56, debug=1)

Introduces dispersion (good for simulating weak chicanes) delays or advances time coordinate of the particles depending on ther energy with respect to the averaged energy

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.repeat_edist(edist, repeats, smear=0.001, not_smear=[])

dublicates the GenesisElectronDist() by given factor repeats - the number of repetitions smear - smear new particles by x of global standard deviation of parameter

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.write_edist_file(edist, filePath=None, debug=1)

writes GenesisElectronDist() into filePath folder

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.edist2beam(edist, step=2e-07)

reads GenesisElectronDist() returns BeamArray() step [m] - long. size ob bin to calculate distribution parameters

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.read_beam_file(filePath, *args, **kwargs)

reads beam file from filePath folder returns BeamArray()


reads BeamArray() returns string of electron beam file, suitable for Genesis


reads BeamArray() shifts the wake pforile so that at maximum current slice wake is zero returns GenesisBeam()

allows to account for wake losses without additional linear undulator tapering

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.set_beam_energy(beam, E_GeV_new)

reads BeamArray() returns BeamArray() sets the beam energy with peak current to E_GeV_new

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.transform_beam_twiss(beam, transform=None, s=None)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.cut_beam(beam=None, cut_s=[- np.inf, np.inf])

cuts BeamArray() object longitudinally cut_z [m] - limits of the cut

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.get_beam_s(beam, s=0)

obtains values of the beam at s position


obtains values of the beam at s position

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.find_transform(g1, g2)

find transform from twiss matrix g1 to g2: x -> M x, g -> Mi.T g M

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.write_beam_file(filePath, beam, debug=0)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.create_rad_file(p_duration_s=None, p_intensity=None, beam=None, offset=None, out_file='tmp.rad')

reads analyticall radiation seed file from Genesis?

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.adapt_rad_file(beam=None, rad_file=None, out_file='tmp.rad')
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.generate_lattice(lattice, unit=1.0, energy=None, debug=1, min_phsh=False)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.get_spectrum(power, phase, smax=1.0)

pulse spectrum in eV

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.transform_beam_file(beam_file=None, out_file='tmp.beam', s=None, transform=[[25.0, 0.1], [21.0, - 0.1]], energy_scale=1, energy_new=None, emit_scale=1, n_interp=None)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.test_beam_transform(beta1=10.0, alpha1=- 0.1, beta2=20, alpha2=2.2)

reading astra distribution parameters Parameter x y z px py pz clock macro_charge particle_index status_flag with units m m m eV/c eV/c eV/c ns nC returns numpy array?

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.astra2edist(adist, center=1)

converts astra particle distribution into GenesisElectronDist() object center - centers the distribution transversely

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.astra2edist_ext(fileName_in, fileName_out='', center=1)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.rematch_edist(edist, tws, s=None)
ocelot.adaptors.genesis.cut_lattice(lat, n_cells, elem_in_cell=4)

reads MagneticLattice() returns MagneticLattice() without first n_cells*elem_in_cell elements

ocelot.adaptors.genesis.getAverageUndulatorParameter(lattice, unit=1.0, energy=17.5)